Welcome to the Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Tax Office payment website
Click on the dropdown below
Select one of the four search methods based on
Account Number
Property Address
CAD number
Click inside the search box below
Enter your search criteria based on your search method then click on the search button
To Search by Name
Enter your last name then first, e.g. “Smith David”
To do a partial name search for the last name “Smith”, enter “Smith” as your search criteria
To do a partial name search for the last name “Smith” with first name starting with “D”, enter “Smith D” as your search criteria
Do not use commas if you are searching by name
To Search by Account Number
Your account number will most likely be the first number displayed at the top of your tax statement as “Account Number”, “Account No”, or “Account”
Your account number will most likely be shorter than your PIDN or CAD number
When entering your account number, include all leading and trailing zeroes. For example, “0005314000” should be entered exactly as “0005314000".
To Search by Address
Enter your street number and street name separately
To search by street number, enter the street number and leave the street name blank
To search by street name, enter the street name and leave the street number blank
For advanced searches by address, if you use “2” as the street number and “South” as the street name, the search result will display all accounts with the number “2” as the starting street number and the name “South” as the starting street name
To Search by CAD Number
Your CAD (County Appraisal District) number or PIDN (Property ID Number) will most likely be displayed on your tax statement as “Property ID”, “Property ID Number”, “PIDN”, “County Appraisal District Number” or “CAD Number”
Your CAD number or PIDN will most likely be longer than your account number
When entering your CAD number or PIDN, include all leading and trailing zeroes. For example, “00000531400000” should be entered exactly as “00000531400000".
If your search result narrows to a single account, you will be automatically directed to the account.
If your search result consists of multiple accounts, accounts are displayed by row. To select an account, move your mouse to the account then click on the account. You will be directed to the account you selected.